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Kamis, 24 April 2014

Noun Clause

To Use Noun Clause in Sentences
Pengertian noun clause
Noun clause adalah sekelompok kata yang mempunyai subjek dan predikat dan melakukan pekerjaan kata benda.[1] Noun clause menjawab pertanyaan apa(What), yang berhubungan dengan kata kerja, klausa  kata benda biasanya di awali dengan That, what, how, however, why, whether, dan whoever.
Adapun contoh dalam kalimat:
Ø  My prayer  is that you should have good health
Ø  What is says is quite correct
Ø  Wati said that she would come soon
Ø  Can you tell us what happened?
Ø  That he left his wife his known to all his friend
2.      Penggunaan noun clause
Adapun penggunaan noun clause sebagai berikut:
a.       Subjek kata kerja
Contoh kalimat :
Ø  That he has bought the hotel is known to all.
Ø  Whether to apply for the post  is a problem to me.
Ø  What politicians promise is not always dependable.
b.      Objek kata kerja transitif
Contoh kalimat :
Ø  We don’t know how long she wants to remain unmarried.
Ø  I know when to apply for a bank loan.
Ø  John keats  declared that a think  of beauty is a joy forever.
c.       Objek kata kerja
Contoh kalimat :
Ø  I am satisfied with what I achieved in life.
Ø  She did not pay attention to what I explained  to her.
Ø  I couldn’t  see the accident from where we stood.
d.      Keterangan tambahan paada kata benda atau kata ganti
Contoh kalimat  :
Ø  We believe the principle that all men are born free.
Ø  The fact that she has a desire  to marry a rich man is known to all her friends.
Ø  It is really a pity that shinta has never recognized my love.
e.       Verbs of incomplete predications/incomplete verb (pelenkap kata kerja yang tidak lengkap) atau sebagai predicative noun(kata benda predikatif)
Contoh kalimat:
Ø  His fear is that he will lose his job.
Ø  That question is where to find the money for the project.
Ø  My worry is whether I shall be able to see mastu again.
3.      Types of noun clause
a.       Noun Clauses That Preceded by Question Words[2]
Noun clauses that preceded by question words are usually used to answer a question. The following examples :
Ø  Where does Sarik Live?.    I don't know where Sarik lives.
b.      Noun Clauses That Preceded by Whether or If
Noun clauses that preceded by whether or if are used to answer yes/no type questions.  Whether and if are usually interchangeable.  The following examples:
Ø  Does Judy own a Honda?      I don't know if Judy owns a Honda.
c.       Noun Clauses That Preceded by That
Noun clauses that preceded by that are used to answer questions in which person who is answering is thinking, giving an opinion, or using a mental activity verb. The following examples:
Ø   I believe that there is an ATM in the supermarket.
Ø  I knew that he had to go

Lingga. D Hoyben, 2006. Advanced English Grammar for TOEFL Preparation, Jakarta: Puspa Suara